An adventuresome white writer ventured into New York City Chinatown in 1909 to report on life in this enclave. He noted that, "Mention Chinatown and Chinaman and what picture comes before your mental vision? A laundry __ an opium joint __ a chop suey restaurant or a mission where Chinamen become Christians through the efforts of zealous American females and __occasionally some happening that stirs up all the newspapers and public to a passing interest. Rather a gloomy picture if taken as a complete view of the Chinese."
He braced himself before making his visit, writing in the third person, "It was quite natural that one should feel some trepidation in visiting Chinatown for the first time so the writer went there equipped with a letter from the police department but there was no need of any precaution for he was met everywhere with courtesy and hospitality."
The writer concluded after his visit to Chinatown that: “If you go to Chinatown looking for bad things you will find
them—so you will on Fifth avenue or any other locality. If you expect to find
some things uniquely bad you will be disappointed but if you go there to learn
something of interest of a strange people , of a great empire in the far East,
you will do so.”